Doubt and skepticism

Yes it’s “hard” to become empty and nobody when we already are! When ‘we’ always have been?

We aren’t by any stretch of the imagination empty and nobodies, we’re filled and somebodies clearly as that’s root cause of our whole mess or not?

Don’t conflate trust with belief. Trust is necessary for us to get along and cooperate.

Belief isn’t necessary because one can doubt what others believe to be true, and honestly admit to not knowing instead of pretending to know, i.e., believing.

As a member of a jury, you are instructed not to vote “guilty” if the evidence leaves you with “reasonable doubt” that the defendant is guilty.

When K said that doubt should be kept on a leash he was alluding to the tendency one has to doubt for a biased reason instead of reasonable, fair-minded doubt.

Belief and doubt are same if object of belief or doubt is false or imagined.
I believe you are King of Atlantis. I doubt you are King of Atlantis. If Atlantis is imagined, both are false. Only perception shows Atlantis is true or false.

Organized religions are based on faith which is the opposite of doubt and questioning. See how organized religions are preparing for the destruction of the planet with it’s inhabitants.

To my knowledge, Krishnamurti did not propose a black-and-white view where all insights involving thought are necessarily false. Nor did he say that all false insights are necessarily made false by thought. His discussions of insight were more nuanced than that.

I agree that most false insights are false due to the intrusion of thought. But exceptions may exist, and it’s dangerous (for truth-seekers) to give short shrift to exceptions.

Different views make the world go 'round? Thanks for sharing yours.

Then you’ll have a view, I’ll have a view, and each one of us will have their own different views only enforcing our separation, division, and thus conflict. My bad for not wording quite well, but is it really a matter of different views or a matter of different illusions.

Naturally, one has to be alert and aware to the motives behind why one’s perceives something as not necessarily right and flawed, and why we might see something and want to refute it.

In a sense that is true but if the brain has bought into a false reality whereby it imagines itself ‘divided’ from the rest (and that is actually not the case) then its attempts to rectify the situation actually exacerbate and prolong it. Because the situation it is trying to change someway, is of its own misguided creation and never actually existed in the first place?

And that is a good nutshell for a key aspect of what drives human relationship and interaction. It seems like we are willing as individuals and collectives to pay that price to maintain our sense of uniqueness and self importance. “I did it my way!”

You’re confused.

To believe or disbelieve is to presume to know what is true when one does not. To doubt is to admit to being uncertain, to not knowing what is true.