Dog and the Mirror

The added complexity of concepts and ideas obviously added to our ability for survival

I’m looking into “evolutionary psychology” at the moment, but here’s aquote from a chapter of my blog (link below)

“We…engage with each other through our ideas, and how we identify with these ideas. Concepts of me, you, them, time, honor, love, money etc mean that we can be more cunning and crafty in order to get what we want. Our reality offers us a larger array of tactics and motives. To punch or not to punch is not our only option – we can hold back from punching, punch later at a more appropriate date, or persuade someone else to do the punching.”

It means you cannot question them; you continue hanging on even in the face of contradictions. I am not familiar with the teachings of the Buddha but I would include both him and Krishnamurti in my statement.

Removing nonsense brings you closer to truth.

Morality is a human concept; it is not fundamental which is why it should be negated. In the underlying laws of physics, it does not exist.

I don’t see the importance of trying to define morality because humans don’t have freewill. The negation of concepts like morality and justice does not mean I am advocating that we get rid of laws or any such things; I have no interest in changing the world. But is it not possible to look at the world from a more neutral standpoint, to not take sides or be caught up in comparison? This is more logical given that humans are not in control.

J Krishnamurti:
Negation is the most positive action, not positive assertion. This is a very important thing to understand. Most of us so easily accept positive dogma, a positive creed, because we want to be secure, to belong, to be attached, to depend. The positive attitude divides and brings about duality. The conflict then begins between this attitude and others. But the negation of all values, of all morality, of all beliefs, having no frontiers, cannot be in opposition to anything. A positive statement in its very definition separates, and separation is resistance. To this we are accustomed, this is our conditioning. To deny all this is not immoral; on the contrary to deny all division and resistance is the highest morality. To negate everything that man has invented, to negate all his values, ethics and gods, is to be in a state of mind in which there is no duality, therefore no resistance or conflict between opposites. In this state there are no opposites, and this state is not the opposite of something else.


All our monsters were once innocent. Did they have any other choice than to become monsters? Our judgments narrow the scope of our compassion.

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Krishnamurti speaks of love, beauty and truth, that is why he was heard and cherished and supported in the first place, that is why we can still hear and cherish and support him. Monsters exist and it is their option to be so because human beings can change. If they don’t change it is our duty to denounce them, those of us who cherish love, beauty and truth.

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[quote=“Inquiry, post:62, topic:3639”]
You, I, we, are physical beings with conditioned brains.[/quote]

Sorry, no. You are the ego illusion that rids the body.