Does "observer is the observed" count outside phenomena?

Keep in mind that Krishnamurti also said “the thinker is the thought”, which is one way of saying that thought is just a mechanical process that operates according to practical necessity.

For Krishnamurti, “mentally” and “psychologically” are not synonymous. If you recall, he said there are two kinds of thought: practical and psychological, and both are mental because thought is mentality.

But psychological thought is pathological thought because it is rooted in and supports the delusion that that I am the central character in a narrative that thought’s reactions are improvising from moment to moment.

I am the ongoing wishful/dreadful thinking of a fictional character in a fictional reality until I am forced to realize I don’t know who/what I am (if anything) because I can’t stop thinking.

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So, then you agree with my original statement that K meant it psychologically when he said that the observer is the observed.

It wasn’t clear to me what you meant by your original statement, but now that I know, yes, I agree.