Alas, i cannot tell you what I do not know. But… what do i know? And why do i cling on this knowledge? As if knowledge has ever solved a problem (and as you know i am talking about psychological knowledge).
Still … there is this everlasting … to know more about oneself.
It looks as if the self is never satisfied and on the other hand why should you be satisfied with what’s going on?
These things are puzzling me …
The problem manifests itself when someone comes and says “Belgians are all sons of bitches” (excuse the expression but it is relevant here as a mere example) … then the reaction of a “merely labelled” Belgian (according to your description) to what the other says about “him/her” and his/her “merely labelled” (again according to your description) fellow citizens as Belgians (including the question “are you telling me that if someone comes and insults my country I should do nothing?” is THE problem!.. so NOTHING TO DO with “is it because it is trained to have problems and to find a solution?”
K said that the answer is in the question itself, but because we are lazy we always wait for someone else to answer the question for us so that we can then merely say “I agree or disagree with what you say”. For yes, we are also lazy (and fearful) when it comes to completely putting aside all our knowledge to find out for ourselves without all its burden, the truth or untruth of the other’s answer to our question(s).
I think it is simple to answer this question… simply because the intellect, not having seen the actuality of that intellectual understanding, keeps asking for more intellectual knowledge to see if through it it might be able (at some point in time) to see the actuality of it all, without the need for any intellectual knowledge in between.
Of course we can! … One just has to dig deep and find out who is ACTUALLY asking the first question you asked, and why!
When the child asks the parents “what are those?”, and the parents say “they are trees”… was the phenomenon that the child had in front of his eyes before getting the label and the concept associated with it, trees or not?
Of course there is… but one will not know of its existence through that or any other question, because the one who asks that question only moves within the realm of images (i.e.: the imagined) and thought to answer his own questions, and that other understanding does not inhabit that prison.
May i ask why do i need to “know enough about the other”?
Sometimes it helps, and sometimes, the less you know, the better.
Does it really work like this?
The knowledge I know from you f.i. is always based on the past i.e. reading your posts and creating images about what you have been written, whether I agree or not, wether I like them or not.
It is more interesting to have knowledge about myself, because i am so familiar with myself, I live with me on a daily base.
And guess what : i am not sure whether it is my enemy or a dear friend.
How does it helps to have an image of the other (which the self will label as “I know you”), if I may ask?
If I have no recollection of my previous encounter with the other, my next encounter with the other will be uninformed, and we’ll have to start all over. If I don’t recognize the other by recalling our last encounter, what is our relationship?
This is too confused to reply to.
Anyway, you did reply, didn’t you? Why? If i may ask?
I replied in the hope that you would read what you wrote and see if you can understand why I say it’s confused.
Do you still want to communicate because in another thread you refused to answer a question (it might have been personal), but the personal is also involved in a dialogue,no?.
So what is it then?
I may or may not reply to you, so do what you want.
I am a bit persistent , here. Not that I want to change your mind ( good heavens no!).
But… seeing the limitations of Kinfonet it is liable to have some misunderstandings.
Personal questions might help to clear this.
That’s all.