Of course because it’s the human psyche that IS the crisis…because of all it’s internal/external divisions. We live divided from our neighbor and thus the world crisis…the world disorder that we see every day on the TV news.
Indeed and you will drown your self in drink or drugs too? Indulge in every form of violence and depravity? Exploitation? And feel the loneliness, pain, and suffering too? Is that your goal?
The last line is a conclusion and something thought can’t know one way or the other.
‘There are no atheists in fox holes’, as they say. When the going gets rough you will surely look for a way out. Or turn to drugs or drink. Well, hopefully you won’t get to that point. But don’t judge those who are looking for a better way of living because they see that the ‘house is on fire’.
You don’t know what meditation is, but to assume others who have been meditating for years don’t know what meditation is, is presumptuous. If your mind isn’t open enough to allow for the possibility that others do know what meditation is, it may be irrevocably closed.
Why are you accusing me of these assumptions? Although I do agree that a lot of people repeating mantras, assuming special positions, concentrating on certain things, doing all sorts of traditional meditation techniques that they consider to be meditation, are probably barking up the wrong tree.
If you go back and read the exchange, you’ll see that when you said you don’t know what meditation is either, the implied reference was to the aforementioned “those” who have been doing it for years.
Okay, well done, maybe you were right to accuse me of stuff I hadn’t yet said then.
K did go on about people and their confused relationship with meditation - so its fitting that you bring this up I suppose - although it wasn’t really what I was trying to discuss.
We never realise that nothing can be done, We are caught in the path. Now, it has become the “pathless” path.