If psychological thought is the elephant in the room, I am not a monkey’s uncle, but an elephant’s offspring.
No you are the room!..
The elephant and the room are like thinker and thought. No elephant - no room.
No elephant and monkey are thinker and thought. You are the room that is empty.
Bringing in the monkey just muddles the matter.
I am the room that contains the hoard (including the elephant) that constitutes I.
You are not the “hoard”. The hoard is made up of ‘things’ and you are nothing (not-a-thing).
The room is the world. You are the room. You are the world.
Such authority! Such certainty! It must be thrilling to be so enlightened!
Just kidding, of course.
Honestly, I don’t know what, if anything, I am…I just seem to be.
Yes! You need to try it. You’d be good at it. First get out of that labyrinth! (Are there critters in there?)
Voyager put me in it, and I thank him for it. It’s a relief from all the head-stuffing knowledge outside.
Well as my mother used to say, “whatever makes you happy,”
Your mother was kidding.
You talkin bout my mother Esai? ( is that the correct spelling?)
Ahm talkin’ bout Death…the Mother of Beauty
What are you sayin? You stone crazy!
But is it a fact for you that you are destroying the world?
But without the filter of K, what is your response? Don’t you love somebody?
Intellectually I see I am in a dance of creation and destruction with the world.
What I feel is I’m just sittin’ here in my little room minding my own business.
That’s not the question. I am not asking about what you think, feel or even see. Is it a fact that your consciousness is the source of all conflict in the world? This has nothing to do with what we think or feel about it - it is just a fact.
I would say the mind is the source of conflict. Consciousness might be independent of mind, unconflicted.
Why use the personal pronoun ‘your’? Who is the owner of this consciousness? Is he/she supposed to feel guilty as being the owner?” Does he/she ‘exist’?