
Couple of days ago a friend told me “idiocy isn’t a crime”. I think it fits here perfectly. In fact it will fit anytime people are fighting over imaginary distinctions. They are a bit “out there”.

Does this answer the question?

Well, there is an implicit question in that question of mine I preferred not to verbalize even though it is the crux of the matter: how many awareness can there be? So yes, I think that what you say answers the question.

Yes, its always the implicit that’s a bit…

More like how many consciousness can there be.

To reader,

In this context since the word “awareness” is dispensable, the word “attention” can also be dispensed with.

For bear’s sake! :laughing:

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What? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It is not K’s fault his listeners are short in mental capacities. He throws in something like “there is no consciousness without the content” and the listeners are like, “O there is no consciousness”.


Why are you still here?

True is that as soon as it is said something merely rational , they start to run like headless chickens.
Weird …

Not sure what you are asking/saying. Explain.

Edit: Also explain the context of whatever it is you are trying to say.

Why are you still participating in this forum? You have made it clear what´s your opinion about it and it is not good.

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Let’s explore it. I am assuming you have asked the question because you wish to explore? And you have the backbone and enthusiasm to do so, like i do?

But first, you have still to explain what you mean by "True is that as soon as it is said something merely rational , they start to run like headless chickens.Weird …, and the context of your assertion. Also clarify who you referring to by the “they”.

Sorry, I have not much time for this.

To whom you call “K´s listeners”, obviously. As for what I could see in this site, tendency is to overlook what is obvious and to apply the doubt and authority thing in a nonsensical way rendering impossible a rational and fluid exchange. It´s like talking to a bunch of patients from a psychiatric clinic all of them in white coats playing the role of doctors: “how do you know?”, “how can you be sure?” “who gave you authority to say that?”, there is not real argument based on their own elaboration, investigation and experience.

Same problem on this end. Which is why i asked. To weed out casual extemporaneous questions or questions intended to simply act as your sounding board. Since you don’t have the time and this is not a burning question for you (otherwise you would have made time) we can stop now.

That is generally the case in Krishnamurti forums.:⁠-⁠)

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consciousness is awareness entangled with thought.

These are all good questions when the subject is what we don’t know and don’t understand.

Krishnamurti spent his life saying that the human brain is without intelligence because it is dreaming and needs to awaken. If you’re open to this possibility, do you really know anything?

Well see here in the west knowing who your real father is, is quite a distinction! Speaks volumes about their mothers doesn’t it.

You can’t blame children born of such parent/s to be doubtful about everything? They have grown up doubting themselves and others. So these poor children grow up to be old washed out bitter nuts walking towards the grave yet still doubting. Look above… all around, so easy to see!

Or you could have all of the above in someone that has read K and is simply parroting.

Of course one will know things. One will even know absolutes.


So many explanations and excuses. Not good people, simply. We can stick our nose above the stream of thought and breath some fresh air but we can´t make it stop, it will go on without interruption and as soon as we pretend or try it to stop o to exercise some control over it, we get caught by and in it which might be the goal: neither with “me” nor without “me”. It´s a trap. Moving on.

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Consciousness isn’t different from awareness or vice versa.
From the material process , arise awareness through which memory hence thought is built.

When the physical body is no more, awareness ends hence there isn’t any Consciousness left either.