Can I Watch and Listen Without Motive?

Could we call the “trigger” or seed that originates thought motive? Storing knowledge has no movement or direction. Yet with a center there is direction and limitation to the knowledge itself. What is the action that gives rise to a center, the genesis of thought and thinking? Is it a purely emergent quality of the brain?

We can see that there is knowledge before the epicentre, and we can see how the center operates. What is not clear, what is the motive to put together a center in the first place?

It would seem that there is no - and cannot be - intention behind this process, which means that it is emerging from the mechanics. It is quite beautiful, the birth of consciousness, like a universe inside a universe, which traumatized itself by sheer existence.

Which means that motive is always a product of thought, it is not a product of mere knowledge.

I saw an interesting experiment. New born chicks were put into an area where a cutout silhouette of a chicken hawk circled overhead. The silhouette was circling ‘tail first’ over the undisturbed chicks. They paid no attention to it.
When the same silhouette was put into a ‘head first’ position, the chicks reacted in terror.


In one of the discussions with scientists, biologists and so on. JK said as human started using thought to address fears/emotions/insecurities/etc, that’s when the innocence( act, learn,act with basis observation)of animal species in human beings started decaying or altering or adulterating or polluting the human mind.

So now the question, is thought by any chance handed down from ancestors. If so can we get rid of it assuming it is not part of our DNA.