A Flurry of Questions

According to Krishnamurti, consciousness is its content. But according to the dictionary, “consciousness” is what Krishnamurti called “awareness”. So for those of us who take the teaching more seriously than what most people believe to be true, consciousness is a pathological condition. How so, you might ask.

Why do most people look to the most people for guidance, a sense of direction?

Does the majority rule because minorities are too uncompromising, too obdurate to unite?

Is it best to belong to the majority because belief is all we have, and when we don’t all believe the same things we’re in constant conflict and warfare matters more than the welfare of all living things?

Why is our content the problem and not the solution it purports to be?

Why are we obsessed with winning, succeeding, achieving, arriving, accomplishing?

Why are we compelled to operate as if in a contest we can fail so completely as to be effectively dead?

Why do we believe it’s worse to be effectively dead than actually dead?

I do. What is the problem of our experience being filled with things?

Surely there is more to be aware of than the contents?

It depends on what you think K meant by “the contents of consciousness”. If he was referring to what we believe, what we think we know, the biases, beliefs, and assumptions responsible for “psychological thought”, the contents are the problem.

What do you think K meant by “the contents of consciousness”?

Surely there is more to be aware of than the contents?

Of course. But if one is more serious about choosing what to believe or disbelieve than being choicelessly aware, one’s contents are paramount.